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□投稿者/ Chinese Man-(2005/02/10(Thu) 01:10:33) |
The Mirumo is the most popular in Taiwan! But I really love Akumi. She is cute^^ (I can understand Japanese word>_<) |
■ Chinese Man (2005/02/10(Thu) 01:53:25/No3334)
sorry {I (can`t) understand Japanese word} {Wrong word@_@} |
■ mittu (2005/02/10(Thu) 10:01:01/No3335)
Great. I really love har, too. But, she doesn't appear in the Mirumo of Japan now. I'm sad. And, I hope she comes back again. See you agin.
<↓For Japanese> 同好の士を見つけたので思わず書き殴っちゃいました。 中学英語なのに微妙に自信がないです… 向こうはもうごおるでんなのか、それとも無印二年目前半なのか… どっちなんでしょうかね。それとももうとっくにわんだほう入ってたりして? |
■ こやまる (2005/02/10(Thu) 12:05:46/No3339) http://www.murumoya.com/
Good morning, Chinese Man san(^^). My name is koyamaru@SiteMaster. My favorite fairies are Murumo, Gabin and Senri. And I like Akumi, she is popular in Japan, too.
I wonder what story is broadcast now in Taiwan. Akumi&Rat..?
私も中学英語で挑戦…昔から英語は苦手なのです(^◇^;)。 台湾ではこれから桐生先生が変化する怪しい展開が放送されるんでしょーか(^^;。 では! |
■ 流星 ルル★〜 (2005/02/10(Thu) 17:16:54/No3345)
I love mirumo too.
こんにちは♪公文(塾)で習いたての 英語を使いました…。まだ小5ですし…(言い訳 そうですね…あちらではどのくらいでしょうかねっ♪
■ Chinese Man (2005/02/10(Thu) 22:18:33/No3353)
To day screens is VOL.96 NO Akumi>_< (Feb 11) |
■ こやまる (2005/02/11(Fri) 10:17:54/No3358) http://www.murumoya.com/
Helo, Chinese Man san(^^). The VOL.96 story is about "Hot Spring Journey with Fairies" in Taiwan, isn't it? But next week, you will find Akumi acting cheerful! |
■ Chinese Man (2005/02/11(Fri) 16:13:08/No3364)
Yes=.= Today(Friday) is no screen Mirmo(>_<) only Monday to Thursday............. (Really?I am happy to hear that^^) (and....your{helo}is.........?) |
■ こやまる (2005/02/12(Sat) 12:24:14/No3370) http://www.murumoya.com/
Hello, Chinese Man san(^^). That "helo" is my typing error,,,sorry. I was surprised that is broadcast four times a week in Taiwan. In Japan, one during the week... and we're sad because there isn't next week's broadcasting.
Cheese Manさんのカキコを読むと、台湾では月〜木の週4回のミルモ放送のようですね。 日本では週一回、しかも来週の放送はお休みだというのに。。 |
■ Chinese Man (2005/02/12(Sat) 15:57:02/No3378)
Only once a week? What`s the Vol Screen in Japan? (I just a junior student so my English is not verygood..........) And I feel you are nice^^ |
■ Chinese Man (2005/02/12(Sat) 16:01:16/No3379)
and....... I am sick now so I maybe can`t on-line these day....... (I feel so terrible>_<) |
■ こやまる (2005/02/13(Sun) 13:01:13/No3386) http://www.murumoya.com/
Good afternoon, Chinese Man san(^^). Do you catch a cold? And I wish you will recover early. In Japan, VOL.143 story was broadcast last week. You will see a lot of new fairies in the future story! |
■ Chinese Man (2005/02/14(Mon) 21:39:40/No3424)
Thanks~ I feel better now Today I try to buy Mirmo DVD(orVCD) in Taipei But no store have sell>_< |
■ こやまる (2005/02/15(Tue) 01:30:08/No3432) http://www.murumoya.com/
Good evening, Chinese Man san(^^). I'm glad to hear that your condition has recovered.
How to buy Mirumo DVD...I usually use the mail order. In Japan, we can't find it easily(T-T). |
■ Chinese Man (2005/02/15(Tue) 22:38:32/No3459)
I announcement this website on my kimo family in Taiwan All of them are said this website is really great!! And they want to leave some message here. But...... their English is not good=.= And they can`t understand japanese words ,too!(O_Q) --------------------------------------------------------------- (I find a man leave a Chinese message here~HAHA^^) |
■ こやまる (2005/02/17(Thu) 08:08:43/No3492) http://www.murumoya.com/
Good morning, Chinese Man san(^^). I'm very happy to hear your message "really great".
> But...... their English is not good How about to use translation site(Japanese <-> English or Chinese). For example, http://www.excite.co.jp/world/english/ in Japan. I'm not good at English either, always use this site.(^^;
翻訳サイトは便利ですが、よ〜く見ると結構怪しげな英文に訳されてしまいますね。 (自分の英語も結構怪しいですが) あくまで参考程度に…。 では! |
■ Chinese Man (2005/02/17(Thu) 11:58:37/No3495)
こんにちは 私使うあなたは言った ホームページを訳す 書いて見にくる 通すかどうかを知らない どうぞご指導下さい (こうしましょう~だべきだ─_─|||) |
■ こやまる (2005/02/18(Fri) 08:05:03/No3506) http://www.murumoya.com/
Good morning, Chinese Man san(^^). In Japan, Mirumo isn't broadcast during two week, we are unhappy now.
You used translation site, but your Japanese has collapsed... So we should use English with referring to the transalation site(^^;. I also make an effort in English(^^).
やはり翻訳サイトによる日本語出力は、その実力はまだまだですね。 私も英語翻訳する際は、本当に参考程度にとどめてます(^^;。 |
■ Chinese Man (2005/02/18(Fri) 22:53:01/No3517)
sorry I have a big exam tomarrow. so I need study hard now. I am so sorry.......... |
■ Chinese Man (2005/02/22(Tue) 07:25:46/No3556)
Hi I am back^^ |
■ こやまる (2005/02/22(Tue) 15:41:54/No3559) http://www.murumoya.com/
Hello, Chinese Man san(^^). How about the examination... Today in Japan, we can see Mirumo after an interval of two weeks, we are happy. A new fairy will appear today(^^). |
■ Chinese Man (2005/02/22(Tue) 19:42:16/No3563)
A new fairy appear today? I really want to see....it?(Boy or Girl?=.=) But In Taiwan Mirumo just screen to Vol.101! So now Taiwan is no screen Mirumo...... (Bad TVˋ.ˊ) (My exam? My English is get 96 and Chinese is get 88.) (But I don`t know theothers grades=.=) |
■ こやまる (2005/02/23(Wed) 22:56:54/No3575) http://www.murumoya.com/
Good evening, Chinese Man san(^^). A new fairy is pretty girl. The photograph was pasted below, and let's imagine the character. In Taiwan, VOL.101 story was broadcast...how exciting now! Please look at Mirumo's activity(^^). | 320×240
■ Chinese Man (2005/02/23(Wed) 23:22:09/No3577)
Thanks for your Picture~ She is really cute~>///< Mirumo was the end in Taiwan yesterday. So today screen...... HunterXHunter ="= |
■ Chinese Man (2005/02/25(Fri) 19:00:24/No3596)
Good Night~ |
■ こやまる (2005/02/26(Sat) 13:17:51/No3606) http://www.murumoya.com/
Good afternoon, Chinese Man san(^^). In Taiwan, the wonderful story of 3rd year isn't broadcast... A lot of new fairy and Akumi appear in this story. I wish that is broadcast a few days later(^^). |
■ Chinese Man (2005/03/01(Tue) 15:40:45/No3654)
I`m back again!="= My computer was poisoned these day. So sorry>"< |